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You can also view this list, sorted by the destination
go/LAM - Life After Middlebury - Your Account & Access | |
go/library-online - Online library resources page | |
go/langholz - PSS Practicum Zoom Link |
go/libraryhours - Library Hours |
go/language - Language programs at MIIS | |
go/librarysearch - LibrarySearch | |
go/libsearch - LibrarySearch | |
go/languagefaq - FAQs on language study in our degree programs | |
go/languageflagship - Language Flagship scholarship | |
go/lifeinstone - Life in Stone event with sculptor 9/26/19 | |
go/LIL - Middlebury's LinkedIn Learning login site - 24/7 online video-based learning for Middlebury and MIIS | |
go/languageplan - New language plan webform |
go/LILinfo - LinkedIn Learning info -- 24/7 online, video-based training for Middlebury and MIIS faculty, staff, and students (formerly lynda) |
go/languagepoll - Poll about language component at MIIS | |
go/linkedin - Middlebury Institute LinkedIn profile | |
go/languagesfaq - FAQs on language study in our degree programs |
go/linkedinalumni - Middlebury Institute LinkedIn page (education site) |
go/languagesNAFSA - NAFSA 2016 Int'l Educators Ad | |
go/lishiide - Discussion 3 of 3: "The Detonation Detectives: Using Technology to Investigate Nuclear and Missile Programs Worldwide," with Jessica Varnum, Deputy Director, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies and Adjunct Professor, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. | |
go/livestream - MIIS Radio Livestream link for November 14, 2012 | |
go/languagetesting - Information on the Middlebury Institute's language testing policy. |
go/LNY2024 - Lunar New Year Celebration at MIIS, Friday, February 9, 2024, 5-7pm, Samson Center. |
go/lbappt - Go Link for Lily Busher Enrollment Advisor Appointments | |
go/learnimovie - Imovie Workshop post | |
go/location - Listing of commonly used banner accounts and location codes for Check Requests | |
go/legacy - Scholarship to MIIS for alumni of any Middlebury school degree program and their extended family |
go/login - Employer Login Instructions for Zocalo accounts |
go/legacyscholarship - Scholarship to MIIS for alumni of any Middlebury school degree program and their extended family | |
go/lessonplanning - Link to online Lesson Planning & Materials Development site. | |
go/longbeach - CSU Longbeach Coffee Chat | |
go/lpa - LPA Specialization | |
go/liability - liability releases for club events | |
go/liaisons - Department Liaison List | |
go/lib - library homepage | |
go/libdatabases - Library - MIIS Library - Databases by Title |
go/LRappt - link for enrollment appointment with Lizzie Roberts |
go/libhours - Library Hours | |
go/libill - Interlibrary Loan (ILL) | |
go/libjournals - A-Z List of MIIS Journals | |
go/lyris - Launches the Lyris List Manager interface. |