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You can also view this list, sorted by the destination
go/p-card - Purchasing Card Information | |
go/p2pemanager - Go link to Bluefin's P2PE Manager |
go/phishing - Phishing information |
go/phone - VCX Phone User Interface | |
go/phonehelp - Zoom Phone Information & Documentation | |
go/paperapp - Middlebury Institute Admissions - Apply | |
go/papercut - print online from papercut |
go/photo - Photo Contest entry form |
go/papercutprints - How to print from your laptop using your PaperCut account. | |
go/photos - Page for alumni to submit photos | |
go/password - Accounts and Passwords - Middlebury & Oracle account info | |
go/passwordhelp - Accounts and Passwords - Middlebury & Oracle account info |
go/pinterest - miis pinterest account |
go/passwords - Accounts and Passwords - Middlebury & Oracle account info |
go/playbook - Oratory Games & Game Changers: A Peer Coaching Playbook |
go/pledge - Online pledge form | |
go/Podcast-3AStressAndEmphasis - A podcast made with Audacity. The podcast was an assignment for a linguistic course. | |
go/paycheck - Payroll Office website | |
go/payconex - (JMA) PayConex Payment Gateway | |
go/policies - Student Policies Page | |
go/policy - International Policy Studies program at MIIS | |
go/paymentinstructions - Tuition payment options |
go/policy-pci - (jma) PCI Policy |
go/paymentoptions - Tuition payment options | |
go/payroll - Payroll Office website | |
go/payroll_calendar_MIIS - Payroll Calendar for current calendar year | |
go/pcambassador - Sign up to chat with Slater Matzke (peace corps student ambassador) |
go/popup - CSIL Holiday Pop Up Market 2016 |
go/pcard - Purchasing Card Information | |
go/postconsult - DLINQ intern post consultation form | |
go/pcfellows - Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows |
go/powerbi - Access to the PowerBI service in the GMHEC shared tenant. Used for institutional reporting. |
go/powerbihelp - Help and FAQs for Power BI. | |
go/pcicomplianceteam - (jma) PCI DSS Compliance Team |
go/practica - Practica and J-Term courses Previous link was to an analytics campaign: http://www.miis.edu/academics/courses/practica?utm_source=go&utm_medium=print&utm_campaign=Go-Print |
go/pcidss - (JMA) PCI DSS site | |
go/pcidsscomplianceteam - (jma) PCI DSS Compliance Team |
go/practice - Practice instance of INB |
go/pcidsscontract - (jma) PCI DSS Data Privacy and Breach Notifcation Contract Language (PCI) | |
go/pcidssfaq - (jma) PCI DSS FAQ | |
go/pcidssmdrp - (jma) PCI DSS MDRP Responsibilities |
go/practicum2023 - Practicum Cohort Zoom |
go/pcidssnewmerchantaccount - (jma) PCI DSS New Merchant Acct/Service Provider Request | |
go/pcidsspolicy - (jma) PCI Policy | |
go/pcidssprojectrequest - PCI Project Request | |
go/pcidssresources - PCI DSS Resource Page |
go/predeparture - Pre-departure orientation for international students. |
go/pcidssserviceprovidermanagement - (jma) PCI DSS Service Provider Management |
go/predeparturevideo - The Office of International Services along with a group of key staff members hosts a Pre-Departure Orientation session for new incoming international students. |
go/pcidssteam - (jma) PCI DSS Compliance Team |
go/prepare - 10 Ways to Prepare for Translation, Interpretation, and Localization Management programs at the Middlebury Institute |
go/pcidsstraining - PCI DSS Training & Agreement Page |
go/presentationzen - Link to a Google Site with resources for a workshop on presenting with multimedia. |
go/press - Media and press inquiries | |
go/pcifaq - (jma) PCI DSS FAQ |
go/previewday - Preview days |
go/pciinformationsecuritypolicy - (JMA) PCI WISP (Written Information Security Policy) |
go/previewdays - Preview days |
go/pcimdrp - (jma) PCI DSS MDRP Responsibilities |
go/previewdayschedule - Preview days |
go/pcinewmerchant - (jma) PCI DSS New Merchant Acct/Service Provider Request | |
go/pcinewserviceprovider - (jma) PCI DSS New Merchant Acct/Service Provider Request |
go/prieto - Podcast of Carlos Prieto lecture/performance at MIIS on September 25, 2009 |
go/PCIPolicy - (jma) PCI Policy | |
go/pciprojectrequest - PCI Project Request | |
go/pciresources - PCI DSS Resource Page |
go/printing - link to miis KB for print FAQs |
go/pciserviceprovider - (jma) PCI DSS Service Provider Management |
go/printingatmiis - MIIS Printing Drupal page |
go/pciteam - (jma) PCI DSS Compliance Team | |
go/pcitraining - PCI DSS Training & Agreement Page |
go/privacy - Privacy policy |
go/PCIWISP - (JMA) PCI WISP (Written Information Security Policy) |
go/private - Private Student Loan Information |
go/privateloan - Private Student Loan Information | |
go/privateloans - Private Student Loan Information | |
go/procurement - Accounts Payable and Procurement Office | |
go/prodevfund - Professional Development Funding Website | |
go/profdev - Professional Development Programs at the Middlebury Institute | |
go/pcweek15 - Peace Corps Week Google Hangout 2015 |
go/profscorse - For Professor Scorse |
go/PDF - Professional Development Funding Website |
go/programs - Middlebury Institute Academics |
go/pdfunding - Professional Development Funding |
go/project562 - 5/4/23 event with Matika Wilbur |
go/peace-corps-scholarship - Links to Peace Corps Scholarship page. |
go/projectconnect - ProjectConnect at MIIS |
go/peacecorps - Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows |
go/projectensemble - Project Ensemble info |
go/peacecorpsscholarship - MIIS Peace Corps Volunteer Scholarship Fund |
go/prospect - General ad in the American Prospect Fall 2012 |
go/peacecorpsvolunteer - MIIS Peace Corps Volunteer Scholarship Fund | |
go/peacecorpsvolunteerscholarship - MIIS Peace Corps Volunteer Scholarship Fund |
go/pss - Professional Service Semester |
go/pss24 - PSS 2024 Presentations | |
go/peking - Partnership page for Peking University |
go/ptd - Peace, Trade, and Development Program |
go/pelicans - Pelicans Fall 2020 Cohort Zoom GoLink | |
go/periodicals - List of MIIS library periodicals, A-Z |
go/pumpkin - Pumpkin carving sign up Fall 2015 |
go/purchasing - Pre-negotiated contracts | |
go/phish - Phishing information |
go/purchasingcard - Purchasing Card Information |
go/pw - Accounts and Passwords - Middlebury & Oracle account info | |
go/pwdhelp - Accounts and Passwords - Middlebury & Oracle account info |